Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Warm welcome

I hadn't taken two steps inside the office yesterday before I got my first "welcome back" hug. A second hug quickly followed. And a bit later, a co-worker sent a note with this little ditty, to be sung to the tune of "Hello, Dolly."

Hello, Mary!
Well, Hello, Mary!
It's so nice to have you back where you belong.
You're looking swell, Mary,
We can tell, Mary,
You are smiling, you are happy,
You're getting strong.
We really missed you, Mary.
Your friends are here, Mary.
Just lean on them when you feel down.
So make some tea, Mary.
We’re happy as can be, Mary.
Promise you'll never go away again!

And just to top it off, a bouquet of flowers arrived from another state association with whom we work closely. The accompanying note joked that they saved all their tough issues for my return. Is there any question as to why I was happy to return to such a nurturing environment?

Yesterday's meeting-packed agenda resulted in a longer work day than I had intended, but it was also just the medicine I needed to continue regaining my stamina.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mary -

Happy to see that you reached yesterday's important milestone, and I'm not surprised at all at how warmly you were welcomed back.
