Sunday, June 7, 2009


I've been thinking a lot lately about the little baby boy who will soon be entering our lives. His expected arrival is barely a month away!

All kinds of activity has been stirred up in anticipation. I will attend a second shower for Mandy this afternoon; this one with some of her former coworkers. Andy and Mandy have been decorating not only the baby's room but also other areas of their home in preparation for the many guests who will want to come see the baby. Friends and family are offering advice on potential names.

Amidst all of this, I have had two predominant thoughts:
1. Mandy and Andy will make great parents!
2. Do I remember enough about babies to uphold my duties as a grandma?

That second thought is a bit scary. It never occurred to me when I was a new mother that my mom and Tom's mom would not have the answers I needed, whatever my questions might be about how to care for baby Mandy. They were grandmas, after all. They would just know!

I approach my own grandmahood wondering how I will tap into the knowledge base all grandmas are expected to possess. I am banking, once again, on the advice my own mother offered when I shared my concern with her. Just love him. The rest will come naturally, was her answer.

If loving this little baby is the key, the rest should be easy!

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