Sunday, September 27, 2009

What the doctor ordered

My vacation week that is now in wind-down mode could not have been better. (Well, maybe the weather could have been a lot drier for the long drive home that ended in the wee hours of this morning, but that was the only downside.)

It's hard to beat a week away from work and its daily stresses to relax with some of your favorite people in the world, especially when one of those people is your first grandchild. We all agreed we could see baby Dodge grow and get stronger and more alert over the course of the week. His sweet disposition was perfect, even during the long drives that stretched to 15 hours with stops to eat, stretch and fill up the gas tank.

Tom and I had taken a vacation trip to Gettysburg about this time last year, and we enjoyed ourselves immensely, but my anxiousness over the diagnosis I was awaiting and the rapidly growing lump in my abdomen combined to put me in extreme pain by the time we drove home from that trip.

I tumbled into bed early this morning tired but content; feeling healthy and enjoying fresh memories of a wonderful week on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. The contrast to the return home a year ago was stark: on that trip, Tom had to help me up the stairs and into bed. Looking toward the fall and winter ahead, anticipating the joy of watching my grandson grow, I could not feel more content or more blessed.

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