Monday, May 22, 2023

Flowers of hope


The card that came with the colorful bouquet sent by friends shared a message as beautiful as the blooms: Flowers are a sign of hope. So is a positive PET scan. 

A note that a neighbor delivered with a bright bunch of daisies carried another positive message: Hope you get a clean scan. 

The flowers and their accompanying sentiments are pretty reminders of all the positive thoughts and prayers I have been receiving since sharing the news of my cancer's rude return. TC and I will take the powerful energy of our well-wishers into my appointment with the oncologist on Wednesday. 

We expect the doctor will provide his official interpretation of my full-body scan from last week and then discuss next steps. On our initial visit with him a few weeks ago, the oncologist was talking about chemotherapy as a likely scenario. Now that we have more information from the May 9 biopsy and May 17 full-body scan, the question may be whether we should follow up surgery with chemo or maybe even some kind of immunotherapy. 

I know research has produced new therapies and approaches since my last go-round with sarcoma 15 years ago. Now we'll get a closer look than I had ever hoped to as to just how far medicine has come. 


Anonymous said...

Hope and prayers for the least amount of treatment after a very successful surgery forthcoming. Love you my pal.❤️

Anonymous said...

Sending a bouquet of prayers and lots of love from St Pete.