Friday, February 20, 2009

Going home!

The sun is shining this morning, outside my hospital window and inside my soul. I am heading home today to continue my convalescence. If my progress maintains the pace of this past week, I should be feeling great in no time!

Results of the pathology report were finally shared with me this morning. They confirmed the original diagnosis from my September biopsy of a high-grade (meaning fast-growing) leiomyosarcoma, so no surprises there. The report also said the margins were negative, meaning there were no signs of the cancer in the tissue around the edges where the tumor was removed. Very good!

One of the two drains from my abdomen was removed this morning but I'll go home with the other; better to have the watery fluid pulled out than to collect in my abdomen. The doctors talked about removing my staples and replacing them with steri-strip bandages, but I spouted a bit of blood from the incision this morning, so the staples will stay a bit longer. Doctors said it was not a concern.

I am finally eating food with flavor, but in small amounts, with some snacks between meals. Grazing throughout the day is not a bad way to eat at all! My recommended diet is high in fats and proteins. Yum!

The doctors, nurses and assistants at OSU Medical Center have been great, but it will be wonderful to get home today!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, yeah, yeah! It sounds like relief is in "your" air. I am happy to hear that you are recuperating faster than expected -- but please take it easy!

Anonymous said...

Great News!!!
We'll all be going out for wings again in no time.

Anonymous said...

that is fantastic! way to go - bikini season is fast approaching.

Rick and Jeanette

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear you are home and recovering. Beth Atwood forwarded me this blog link, and I am so grateful. Know that the Florida contingency is cheering for you and sending you WARM get well wishes. You are more than welcome to come visit and recuperate futher right here. Should be 82 on Saturday. Blessings to you and your family. Congratulations to your daughter and to your impending grandparenthood. It's the best!

A voice from the past: Geri Evans