Saturday, March 6, 2010


I put on a brave front, but was anxious as I waited to see the doctor this week to receive results of my three-month CT scans. In the days leading up to the appointment, I kept checking my abdomen for any signs of lumps. My belly would tense as I probed and asked myself, "Scar tissue or cancer?"

Even as the doctor entered the room, I tried to read his expression and for a moment was certain the news was bad. "Your reports are fine," he quickly said after greeting me. I tried not to signal my relief too loudly.

In a post-cancer world, no matter how confident you try to feel about recovery, every ache or pain is a recurrence. I know that thought tendency will abate over time, but it is still hard to give myself permission to always believe I will be OK. As this last checkup approached, I chose not to ask for prayers in church for good results, and then feared I was being arrogant to put on a positive front that presumed I didn't still need such prayers.

I am very blessed, and I know many prayers for my health have been offered up whether I publicly requested them or not. I will be sharing my good results in church tomorrow and saying thanks for those who have kept me in their thoughts and prayers all along.

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