Thursday, November 9, 2023



My clinical trial has begun, and now we have to believe that I am getting the very best medicine I can to fight back and send sarcoma packing. 
TC made sure we have a very visible reminder of the power of positive belief, and belief in all the prayers that we know have been and are being offered up for my health. He surprised me last week with a framed copy of the iconic Believe sign from a TV series that we both loved, Ted Lasso. 
Ted Lasso's English football (soccer) players would tap the sign over their locker room door every time they went out to play. It didn't always bring immediate victory but they did learn to believe in each other and themselves and in their common pursuit. In the end, that belief was transformative and real. 
Our sign hangs above our monthly calendar -- the one now filled with medical appointments and medicine reminders -- just on the way out the door to the garage. We tap it multiple times a day, even at times when we're not leaving. 
So far I am tolerating the chemo well; just hope the sarcoma is not. 
And after a couple of weeks of having difficulty speaking without catches, I have finally regained my voice, thanks to getting fluid drained again from between my right lung and diaphragm. A temporary drain put in on Monday should keep fluid from accumulating to a troublesome level. 
We're hoping that this new regimen of chemo infusion every three weeks and oral (hopefully real and not placebo) tablets every few days in between will give us some nice respite by slowing down what have been too-frequent visits to The James. 
With all your prayers, best wishes and positive thoughts coming my way, how can we not believe? 


tcbrown said...

With you ALL the way to recovery, girlfriend! xoxoxo

Gail Hogan said...

I'm a fan of Ted Lasso too. What a great idea! I too believe in your and in healing. I know it's a tough road. Really. Easy for everyone to say hang in there. But, it's what you have to do. You are stronger than the cancer Mary, that is for sure.

Anonymous said...

May you be strengthened by the offering of continued prayers. You are not alone 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Anonymous said...

You’ll beat this!! POSITIVE vibes!

Debra L Mason said...

You are so strong and level-headed in relaying all you're dealing with. I am sure the emotional stress and hecticness of treatment is exhausting. You've beat this cancer before and you'll beat it again. Keep on believing and I will too!