Monday, November 24, 2008

Blessings, Part I

Might as well go with a theme of Thanksgiving this week. I have so many blessings to count, I am sure I can come up with a few every day between now and Thursday.

  1. Chemo sleep. I don't remember reading about it as an expected side effect but my experience is I get my best night's sleep in these days after a treatment. Not just a good eight hours but nine or more if I go to bed early enough. And I love a good night's sleep!
  2. Time of year. I think I would be really ticked to be dealing with cancer and chemo in the middle of the summer, when I would want to be more active. Late fall and winter is perfect for hunkering down. Bulkier clothes hide the lump of my tumor as well as the protruding port on my right shoulder blade. Shorter days make for better sleeping, too!
  3. Head warmers. This is also the best time of year to lose my hair. My wig adds warmth when I need it most. And how silly would it look to wear knit hats to the grocery store in the middle of summer? I have always been a closet hat person -- love to try them on in the store but too self-conscious to wear them in public. Now I even feel a little sassy to wear a knit hat for running errands on weekends, or even around the house on cold days.

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