Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Blessings, Part III

It is true what they say about counting your blessings instead of sheep. I woke up in the middle of the night, started thinking about what I would be writing here this morning, and ended up sleeping longer than I intended. What a blessing to have more good sleep! My list for the week continues:

  1. Good friends. There is nothing like getting a serious illness to bring out the best in your friends, and to increase their ranks. I am amazed at the offers from friends to run errands for me, be my taxi, help me to find the best medical care, or just letting me know they are praying for me and sending out positive thoughts.
  2. Good work. I can't imagine not being able to spend part of my day engaged in meaningful effort -- feeling like I am helping to produce something or improve something. I find great joy in the creative aspects of my work. I am especially grateful to have something other than my illness on which to focus my attention.
  3. Good books. My son persuaded me earlier this year to begin reading the Harry Potter books. I had resisted them for so long, but I am very glad Ben finally prevailed. They are so entertaining! Book 5 is currently on my nightstand. I have already gushed enough in this blog about Coach Tressel's "The Winners Manual for the Game of Life." Now I am reading another good book that came from my pastor, "The Art of Possibility."

More blessings tomorrow!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Ahem! Son and DAUGHTER encouraged you to read those books. I nudged a little too!