Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Precious strands

I am feeling a surprising kinship to balding men with bad comb-overs.

My recollection from 12 years ago is that my hair went from lush to bald in a very short period of time. Once it started coming out, there was no stopping it. This time, after several weeks of serious shedding, there are still some stalwart strands left.

The thin covering is not enough to take out in public, but it lets me keep my wig on its pedestal around the house. I can wear knit hats to keep my head warm and still see some fringe around the edges. The few strands are enough that I answered the door for a pizza delivery man the other night without a hat and didn't scare him away! I even let a few strands peek out under my wig along the sides of my face just to reinforce my confidence that yes, the wig is the same color as my real hair.

My next round of chemo may finish off the remaining wisps but I am enjoying them while I can. Like all those balding men must feel, these hairs may be few but they are mine!

1 comment:

Bob said...

Hi Mary.
How appropriate that on the day that I begin reading your blog, you note a "kinship" to balding men. As you know, I have bypassed the bad comb-over for the look of a shiny smooth pate. However, at my age, I do notice some stalwart strands as well, but they are in my eyebrows!

I am glad, although not surprised, to see how positive your approach to this battle has been. Please know that my prayers are with you and I will continue to check in on your progress.

God bless.
