Sunday, May 2, 2010


As I signed into my blog this morning, an interesting milestone caught my eye. I have made 200 posts to this blog since I created it in October 2008 to chronicle my journey from Cancer 2.0 to good health.

When I started, this exercise was much-needed therapy for my psyche. The most important accomplishment of some days was to identify the beauty and grace of my experience and capture it for deeper reflection. Looking inward helped me to know many good things were happening even as I faced bleak prospects of difficult medical treatment and uncertain outcomes. And sometimes I tickled my own funny bone just to amuse myself. I didn't know my blog would also be good medicine for some of my readers, but that aided my healing, too.

Post number 201 seems like a good time to declare a new direction for this blog. I will still focus on striving for health but in a much broader sense. Surviving cancer is a small blip, an "oh, by the way" of my life. There are new daily challenges to celebrate. I am ready to expand and rejuvenate my dedication to personal exploration through this blog.

Next up -- the half marathon that didn't get completed yesterday, but for all the right reasons.

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