Monday, November 10, 2008

Booster shot

I've decided there is a bonus to undergoing chemo again that was not immediately apparent. No doctor has confirmed my assumption, but I don't know why it wouldn't be true. The thought I am holding onto is that this new chemotherapy regimen is added insurance against a recurrence of my breast cancer!

As much as no one wants to go through chemotherapy, there is a comfort in knowing that you are actively fighting cancer, that you are chasing it out of your body. And as perverse as it seems, I remember a sense of reluctance for the treatments to end. Was it enough? Did it leave any maverick cells lurking behind?

My current cancer is not related to my previous cancer. The distance of 12 years since my first cancer fight is reasurring, but you never lose the thought that it could come back, and be worse than it was originally. If breast cancer had half a thought of rearing up again in my body, I am pretty sure it is finding an inhospitable environment these days.


Sherry said...

What a wonderful attitude you have. You make me look at things differently, looking for the positive instead of negative. Keep up the good work.


Anonymous said...

Mary -- I hope your weekend went well -- I am not sure if you had chemo or not -- just know that you are in my thoughts constantly.

Anonymous said...

Mary -- I am so glad that you have finally "healed" enough to have the surgery. I am sure that has been your goal. You know that everyone prays for you and KNOWS that you are strong enough to "get through" this demon baby as well. You continue to look great and have the attitude of a soldier. You are loved, respected and as I have continually said "a great writer and inspiration."