Monday, December 15, 2008

The graduate

I'm moving a little slower this morning, feeling a little worse for the wear, but I can't stop smiling as scenes from Ben's graduation yesterday keeping popping into my head.

Just a few weeks back, I was afraid I would be too frail for the festivities. But the day went off without a hitch -- even more enjoyable for the focus it took off me and put squarely on this long-awaited milestone. It was like Christmas come early as family and friends joined us to celebrate, our home sparkling with their good cheer and highlighted by holiday decorations mixed with plenty of scarlet and gray.

The entire day was wonderful, but my favorite part was the quiet time at the end. Ben sat down with me and Tom to open a few cards and reflect back on his OSU journey. There were lots of times over the past few years when I felt like a horrible nag with all my questions about whether he was taking care of school work, scheduling the classes he needed, studying enough. The thanks he expressed last night was my graduation present!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mary,
It's rare that we as parents have the opportunity to sit down and share with our adult chilren their dreams and accomplishments, I'm thankful you and Tom could share that special moment with Ben. What a wonderful young man and how very proud you both are of Ben! Joe and I talked about how blessed youare to have two special and talented children who are such a reflection of your love and devotion as parents. You both DONE GOOD!