Sunday, August 16, 2009

The mystery continues

I love a great mystery, and none may be as intriguing as the one that has my doctors scratching their heads right now.

It is not a "whodunit" but a "what-is-it?" that is sending the physicians into new consultations with each other. The current conundrum deepened this week when I went in for what was supposed to be a CT-guided needle biopsy and the doctor assigned to that task raised doubts about the tiny little liver spot he was supposed to examine.

A follow-up MRI was performed Thursday, and the report I received Friday said the area they were examining -- identified as a "target-shaped lesion" -- was "only faintly visualized on the current study." It still doesn't mean there is nothing there, but this outcome is more positive than if they had been able to confirm a troublesome spot in the MRI.

I have been mentally sending my cancer-fighting cells to my liver several times a day with orders to seek out and destroy any cancer cells they find there. And I know lots of good prayers have been offered up for my health, including my sister's special pleas for "pick-axing angels" to attack any cancer cells that threaten to linger in my body.

Another test -- this time a PET scan -- will be done in a month to see if it turns up anything more definitive in my liver or elsewhere in my abdomen. By then, I figure all these prayers and positive visualizations for my health will have had time to wipe my liver clean! Here's hoping the mid-September PET scan will put a happy ending on this mystery.

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