Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I am so excited I can hardly stand it. I finally have some breathing room!

While I have been feeling great for months now, there was always a little "but...." tacked on to each new test result. Every time the doctors would order a follow-up test to look closer at some new spot or shadow, the area under suspicion would pass muster, but some new finding would crop up that needed further examination. It was like being on a tether that would only let me reach so far to freedom.

Yesterday, the leash finally broke! My primary oncologist had asked the thoracic surgeon to see me after Friday's chest CT and MRI of the lower back. I braced to hear about some new development as I met with the doctor and his assistant, or even worse, that the spots they were watching merited concern. Instead, the doctor said the latest tests showed very good news, and he didn't add any "buts!"

A hymn we sang in church a couple of weeks ago is running through my head this morning. "Make my life an alleluia" seems very appropriate to my current frame of mind. Given that my medical care since February's surgery has been at OSU, I am also thinking of the university's tag line in recent years: Do something great!

There's nothing like a serious health threat being lifted to make you recommitted to making the most of your life. Can I get an "Amen?"


Anonymous said...


With gratitude and prayers,

Anonymous said...


-- Doug

Mandy said...


Nancy Wygle said...

Great news, Mary. I know how good that must feel.


Anonymous said...

AMEN!! I loved the article from Columbus CEO ~ what a great picture of you! Also, the story about Bird joining your group for dinner totally gave me chills ~ that is so cool!
