Saturday, October 17, 2009


I need a new prayer list.

During my Cancer 2.0 ordeal of the past year, I started keeping a written list of people for whom I wanted to pray. I had been so touched by hearing from others that I was on their personal prayer list, I knew I needed a list of my own.

They say death comes in threes, so I was a bit anxious when two women on my prayer list died recently within a week of each other. I heard at work yesterday morning about the death of a third -- the only daughter of someone I know professionally. I had never met Samantha, but the story of her courageous fight with a blood cancer had touched me.

Now I am struggling to reconcile my feelings about having lost three people from my prayer list in such a short period. I know it is irrational, but I can't help wonder if I didn't pray hard enough, or often enough, for the people on my list. Then there is the comfort that none of these three is suffering any more. Each of them had endured a very difficult year fighting their various cancers. My experience was mild by comparison.

Prayers are answered, I know, but not always in ways we anticipate or would design. As I redo my prayer list today, I will ask God to increase my faith that His plan is greater than we can imagine.

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