Wednesday, October 7, 2009

PETs and haircuts

I'm playing hooky from the gym this morning. My workout buddy has notified me she wouldn't be there, so I am grabbing this time to chronicle good news from my latest doctor's visit: my PET scan from last week showed no signs of cancer in the two areas under surveillance from prior tests. My liver and lungs were clear!

The scenario playing out yesterday afternoon is becoming familiar. Follow-up medical tests on the spots we were watching failed to show any confirmation of problems, but a couple of new shadows appeared, bringing other areas under watch. When the doctor stepped out of the room after reporting on the PET scan, Tom and I shared smiles and a layer of tension neither of us had wanted to acknowledge lifted.

PET scans use a radioactive glucose injection to highlight hypermetabolic hot spots that could indicate the presence of cancer or other problems. MRIs were scheduled for two new, slight shadows in my chest and lower back, but the doctor is more cautious than concerned. The chest may be nothing; the spine could be a touch of arthritis. Better to take a closer look to be certain, the doctor said.

With each new series of tests, I am reminded of how generously I am blessed, and I give thanks for all the many prayers that have carried me through this past year.

I am seeing a new hair stylist this evening to give a bit more shape to my curls. I had hoped I wouldn't need to cancel the appointment because of the prospect of new chemotherapy. Happily, I will tell her I plan to let my hair grow for a while!


Cathy Candisky said...

Great news, Mary! Hope we can catch up soon, Cathy

Mandy said...

Yay! Glad to hear it!

Tass said...

What great news Mary! Life is good for all of us now that we know the good news of your test results :)