Sunday, October 18, 2009

A long walk

A year ago today I was experiencing my first "chemo crash" from having received a double dose of drugs the Friday before. It was tough, but I had high expectations for killing off the cancer cells growing in my abdomen, so my spirits were good.

Fast forward 365 days. There are similarities in that parts of today were also tough, and there was a bit of a crash, but I'll take walking a half-marathon over a double dose of chemo any day. The trek today through Downtown Columbus and several surrounding neighborhoods is nothing compared to my journey of the past 12 months.

On that day a year ago, I remember having trouble walking from the bed upstairs to the sofa downstairs. That was about the extent of my exercise that day. Today, I walked 13.1 miles with my daughter. My son-in-law ran the Columbus Half Marathon but Mandy and I were just as proud of our finish in less than four hours; it was mostly about finishing it.

The original game plan was for this to have occurred last year. Mandy had registered the three of us. Then she and I spent much of last summer training for it with progressively longer walks. When Mandy hurt her foot while training and I discovered the lump in my abdomen, the Columbus Marathon folks carried our registration over to this year.

Mandy's year has been one of great accomplishment as well. She is now the proud mother of Dodge, who wasn't yet on the horizon when we had to postpone our 13-mile walk last year.

We can't know what obstacles the other walkers, the runners and the hand-cyclers overcame to get to the finish line today, but I doubt crossing it was much sweeter for any of them than it was for us.

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