Sunday, December 13, 2009

Catching the spirit

I am more behind than ever, and feeling more caught up in the Christmas spirit than if my to-do list were in better shape. It's all because of a baby.

My weekends are not my own these days. A good part of the day Saturdays, most Fridays after work and Thursday evenings are devoted to a bundle of boy who commands attention that is not easily divided among other pursuits. He likes to be held. Even if he's playing in his circular seat surrounded by all sorts of toys to grab and gum, he likes to know I am nearby.

As a result, I have spent countless hours sitting and relaxing with my grandson rather than rushing from store to store. The annual "Mock Flock" calendar I have made for my extended family for more than a decade now has yet to be started. At this rate, family members will be lucky to get it sometime in January.

The funny thing is how much at peace I am with not crossing things off my list of Christmas chores. The smiles little Dodge delivers, the innocence of his face in slumber (even if it's a brief catnap) and the content he conveys while taking his bottle are all that's important. Anything else can wait, or maybe doesn't need to be done at all.

More than once, while holding this precious boy and listening to Christmas carols on the radio, I have thought how smart God was to bring his Son to us as a baby. It's so easy to know love and wonder while beholding an infant.

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