Wednesday, December 23, 2009


My annual family calendar has been giving my printer a workout all day, culminating a task that weighs me down but also lifts me up. Mostly, it lets me tickle my own funny bone.

Making the Mock Flock calendar has become my personal tradition, starting in 1999. Birthdays and anniversaries are the staple, but as I look back on that first calendar's grainy photos and lack of creativity, I am amazed I even thought it was worth continuing. Over the years, as we have upgraded our computer and bought new calendar software, I have supplemented the much-improved photos by adding fictional stories, made-up quotes and fantasy thought bubbles. The whole exercise amuses me more and more each year.

When November rolls around, the project weighs on me until I finally get it underway. Then as soon as I dig in, the fun begins. Tom is the only one who gets to peek while the project is in process, and he knows better than to suggest major revisions unless I ask his advice.

The format is new this year. The "Mock Flock Gazette" newspaper approach had a good run for a couple of years, leading to last year's personal ads. I won't know until the grand unveiling on Christmas Day whether I've come up with a winner for 2010, but I sure had fun creating it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see it! Ryan has been asking about it, too! Love the calendar!