Thursday, May 18, 2023


The medical-speak language in the online test results I opened yesterday was initially unclear, and TC and I couldn't help but read it with scary skepticism. Then a physician friend looked it over and eased our minds. It was, indeed, good news, The head-to-toe PET scan I had earlier in the day did not locate any new suspicions of cancer lurking in my body other than the lung mass and a nearby nodule first detected in a chest X-ray a few weeks ago.

Hallelujah! Our prayers, and those of my legion of prayer warriors, were answered.

Our relief was levitating. It could have been so much worse. If other locations had been found, it would have meant a change in treatment plans from a surgical remedy to who-knows-what. Chemo? Immunotherapy? Radiation?

Only after hearing the good news, could TC voice what I had also feared but couldn't say -- that the scan would light me up "like a Christmas tree." Instead, it was like the scan gave us an early Christmas.

We will see the oncologist this coming Wednesday. Then more tests are scheduled for June 2 to prepare for surgery on June 9. The prayer now is that the tests will show I can easily tolerate the operation and that there is clear separation between the lung tumor and my nearby heart so the doc can remove the cancer robotically without having to do a huge incision. 

Thank you to all whose prayers continue to give me strength. 


Anonymous said...

Praying my head off for you, Mary. ❤️

Anonymous said...

🙏🏻 Staying vigilant in prayer. Encouraging news! ❤️ Jojo and Brian

Anonymous said...

Prayers coming your way from texas!!