Friday, August 26, 2011

Same same

I always enjoy seeing my surgeon, but I hope I never see him again. He expressed the same sentiment when I saw him today for my surgery follow-up visit.

The big news of the day was what I expected to hear, but had held out a little hope that I would not hear. The pathology report from this latest tumor was the same bad kind of stuff he had removed in Feb. 2009, just not as big. Officially, it was recurrent leiomyosarcoma, or what I will designate as Cancer 2.1.

I would like to quit counting now. I would like to not ever have to number another cancer. One breast cancer and two sarcomas is plenty.

Sarcomas tend to come back, but they don't have to. If prayers and positive support can keep a recurrence at bay, this sarcoma doesn't have a chance!

1 comment:

David Haas said...

I have a question about your blog. Please email me!