Friday, May 8, 2009

Big really is big

I went to lunch this week with some fashion-savvy young women from my office. Even though we work closely together every day, I usually learn something in these outings.

One of the tidbits gleaned from this get-together was that the cute little purse I have been carrying proudly the past several months is so not cool. No one said anything, and we certainly didn't discuss the relative merits of handbag sizes, but the message came through all the same.

Big is better. The sizable bags they were each carrying made strong statements as we walked several blocks to the restaurant. My baby-sized purse suddenly seemed inadequate as it tried to hide under my armpit.

I have resolved to change purses this weekend. I'll reserve the tiny black bag for the purpose I had originally intended -- evenings out when I don't need to carry much. Good thing my summer purse has some size to it.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Seriously? What do all those stylish women think about crippling shoulder and back pain from carrying those monstrosities? By "made strong statements," do you mean "whacked each other in the head" as you made your way down the sidewalk?

I'll gladly um, "store" your little bag for you until you feel like using it again.