Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Last night was the start of my golf league, and it was fantastic to be out on the course with my friends.

I hadn't golfed since September, so my return to the game was significant on many levels. September marked the beginning of my battle with Cancer 2.0 and a huge departure from what had been my normal routines.

As I headed to the golf course, I contemplated the path I had traveled since the league ended last year. Instead of counting strokes, I have been counting doctor visits, medical tests and weeks of recovery from surgery. I'm sure I had a foolish grin on my face as I headed to the ladies' locker room to change, and I kept smiling as I emerged in my golf clothes with my wig tucked safely away in the bag with my work attire.

The friends who welcomed me out on the course didn't mind that my hair was just sprouting; their hugs told me they were as happy to see me as I was to see them.

As I took my first swings, a twinge across my abdomen was the only reminder of the tough course I had played over the last eight months. By the time we finished the ninth hole, even that twinge was gone.

My score wasn't great, but it was right on track with where I was playing at the beginning of the season last year, and that's not a bad place to be.

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