Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Good work

Don't tell my boss, but I have concluded work is good for me.

That isn't an entirely new revelation, but the truth was underscored with last week's snowfall that caused my office to shut down one day in the middle of the week. Being at home unexpectedly gave me too much time to focus on myself and all the downsides of my current condition.

Discomfort associated with my distended abdomen was magnified as I moved slowly around the house. With my surgery date finally certain, I spent much more time than usual looking ahead to Feb. 12. Rather than feeling rested and refreshed, by the end of the day I had myself convinced that I could not have worked that day and I seriously questioned how I would make it through the two weeks until I can get this tumor removed.

The contrast with the days at work since then has been very interesting, if not remarkable. I still tire by evening but there is good medicine in being occupied with deadlines and responsibilities that leave little time for self-focus. The week since that snow day has passed faster and with less distress than I had anticipated.

It is especially good to have a job these days, but I have even more reason to be thankful for mine.

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