Wednesday, February 18, 2009

On the road to recovery

What a journey this has been!

It is Wednesday morning and I am sitting in my room at OSU Medical Center surrounded by expressions of love and support. I know the flowers, cards and the beautiful ribbon bows (that's another story!) decorating my room are lending a hand to the work of doctors, nurses and patient care assistants. They all combine to make me feel better, even though by baby steps.

I sit here with my new best friend -- a little blue cord clipped to my nightgown. The button on the end is connected to a pump with drugs to control my pain. I try not to call on my friend too often but it's sure nice to have her around.

A press of the button eases most of the pain in my gut, but not the hunger that started growing yesterday and remains mostly unabated. Ice chips provided some relief after I finally said goodbye yesterday afternoon to the tube running through my nose to my stomach to drain away bile. Clear liquids are on tap today, but so far that has been restricted to water. Tea with honey and chicken broth have never sounded so good!

The staples running vertically up my belly look like a little train track. I haven't tried to count the staples but Tom guessed the track is a foot long. I'm still waiting for results of the pathology report but the surgeon guessed the tumor he removed weighed about 10 pounds, and I don't doubt it.

Thanks to Mandy for providing updates when I was not able. I'll try to take it from here. No word yet on how soon I will go home but each day brings progress. I know my army of cheerleaders and those offering prayers are still hard at work!


Anonymous said...

Mary, I just found out about all this yesterday and Roger Lowe just forwarded me the link to your blog. I am thinking about you and so happy the first entry I read was such a powerfully positive one post operation.

Your friend,

Anonymous said...

Glad to have you back blogging again. The OHA crew has gotten pretty addicted to the updates! Make sure to rest - both mentally and physically - and hopefully you'll be on to warm tasty broth soon:)


Anonymous said...

You are something else Mary: still mending in the hospital, and already back at the keyboard. I cannot imagine how you must feel having gotten rid of your "companion." Hang in there. Heal fast. (And, don't be afraid to use the blue button - that's what it's there for.)



Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are making fantastic strides in your recovery process. I would say you're ahead of schedule in comparison to other friends who have had the simular whipple surgery.

Don't overdue since you are feeling so good. If you do what they say you will not have any problems down the road.

You made our day when we read your blog.

Gary & JoEllen

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are up and blogging. Get lots of rest and become a friend of Ace of Cakes! Take care!

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness you are blogging again. It is just not the same -- but we all understand and just really glad to hear from you. Rest up Mary!

Anonymous said...


I've been wondering how things went and am so glad to get the good report. I know you're glad to have the tumor out, and I'll continue to pray for a good pathology report. Hope the recovery goes well and quickly.

Rosemary from Alabama

Anonymous said...


I had a chance to talk with Sue Jablonski yesterday and she told me what a struggle you were in. I'm sorry to say I had no idea that you were ill or I would have been in touch to offer help or prayers or whatever you may have needed. It sounds as if you have now weathered the worst of it and are doing great. The blog is amazing. It made me laugh and cry. My sincere wishes for a full and speedy recovery.

Kelly Arledge