Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A little bit pregnant

The coincidental timing of my tummy's tumor growth and my daughter's pregnancy has struck me as funny. Hey, you've got to find humor wherever you can!

It has given me a bizarre connection with Mandy's experience. It is not just by memory that I know how it feels to have my abdomen swell to the point of making it hard to put on a pair of socks or to polish my toenails. I don't have to reach back nearly 30 years to know there is less room in my gut for a large meal or that this growth means getting tired earlier at night and having to find new positions to try to sleep comfortably.

Having faint memories is one thing; re-experiencing some of that same phenomena is quite another.

On the bright side, I have been able to advise Mandy on where to find some inexpensive transitional clothing and how to eat less but more frequently. We are already very close, but we are able to commiserate even more over some shared symptoms. And I look forward to being safely delivered of my bundle so that I can be fully recovered and ready to hold and kiss that new little grand baby!

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