Monday, March 23, 2009

Back in the game

I hope regular readers of this blog will pardon my lack of posts this past week. An unexpected bout of melancholy left me a bit listless and uninspired to write. It was as if I was hearing my mother's often-repeated mantra, "If you haven't got something good to say, don't say anything at all." Mom's guidance was aimed at preventing hurtful comments about others, but I didn't want to give credence to my blahs by writing about them.

A couple of outings on my own over the weekend helped coax me into a more positive perspective. With the doctor's clearance, I drove for the first time in more than five weeks, visiting my mother on Saturday and driving to church yesterday. It was great to get out and feel almost normal again! And the hugs at church certainly helped!

Part of my malaise last week can be attributed to unexpected frustrations with the recuperation process. I had anticipated my biggest challenge as the pain subsided and I began feeling better would be pacing myself and not overdoing. Instead, it has been a battle to keep from napping too much during the day so I could sleep better at night. Being unproductive for such a long stretch is against my nature, and it was a little scary to not even want to do much more than nap or read.

My outlook is brighter now. I am planning to get out a bit more this week -- even if some of the trips are for follow-up medical tests -- and I plan to return to work for half-days the following week. Naps are great but I am ready to trade them for a little more active days and some better nights' sleep. A return to more of my old routine -- including more regular blog posts! -- might be just the tonic I need.

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