Saturday, March 14, 2009

Field visit

During my eight-day hospital stay for surgery and recovery, a co-worker quipped that it was just an extended field visit, given that certain Ohio Hospital Association staff regularly visit our member hospitals throughout the state. Consider this, then, my field visit report for OSU Medical Center.

Top concerns: From the perspective of the front-line staff I encountered at all hours of the day, it was apparent that their patients are their foremost concern. Despite the 12-hour shifts most of them worked, I didn't hear nurses or patient care assistants complain about being tired or that patients were too demanding. Instead, they were accommodating and mostly cheerful while going about their business. Their supreme patience with patients was apparent even when a fellow in the next room over could be heard calling out repeatedly in a low monotone reminiscent of the old Saturday Night Live "Land Shark" skits, "Help. Help me. I need help. I need ice cream. I need a Coke."

Given the activity I witnessed once I was able to walk the full length of my floor and back down the parallel hallway, business was booming. Empty patient rooms were the exception; nor did there seem to be any wasted space. The big question is whether the mix included more patients with insurance to cover their costs or those with little or no means to pay the bill. Nothing in the activity I witnessed gave away which was which.

I had scant opportunity to review the hospital food, spending most of my stay nourished solely by intravenous fluids until the tube to my stomach was removed. The ice chips I was finally able to savor were magnificent! The bland soft diet that immediately followed was less satisfying, but there's only so much you can do with cream soup and custard.

This was not a field visit I ever care to repeat, but it left me with renewed pride and devotion for OHA's mission to help Ohio hospitals serve their communities. Their work is truly on the side of angels.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mary -- I am so glad that you are taking it slowly and know that this will take time. Your girls at work truly miss you and were glad to see you this past week. Please know that you are missed.