Friday, April 17, 2009

How things work

It's crazy sometimes how things just work out the way they are supposed to. I have seen that play out a couple of times this week.

One example was my shorter-than-expected trip to Houston. Had it gone as planned, I would have still been there until today, leaving my department at work especially short-staffed. Looking back on a hectic day yesterday, I sent up a prayer of thanks for being where I needed to be.

Even the smallest details sometimes fall into place nicely, often against expectations. I had cancelled our newspaper delivery and had our mail held for the part of this week that we expected to still be in Houston seeking a second opinion for my follow-up care. Trying to reverse those orders when the trip was shortened, I thought we had succeeded in getting the mail restarted but not the paper. As it turned out, the newspaper has been on the doorstep each morning but the mailbox is still empty. Thank goodness! It is much easier to live without mail than my morning paper.

I have a basic philosophy against worrying because it zaps your strength for no good reason. When I am tempted to worry, I tell myself fretting is negative energy and won't help change outcomes. This week has reminded me of another good reason not to worry: Things have a way of working out exactly the way they are supposed to, even if they are not the way we planned.

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