Sunday, April 5, 2009


I violated one of my cardinal rules yesterday and ended up giving myself a needed reminder. The rule is to always look on the bright side.

For me, the rule stems from this axiom: You can't control all the circumstances in your life, but you can control how you respond to them. I have tried to model a positive perspective as much as I have encouraged my children to find the good in whatever bad things come their way.

Often, events that threaten our outlook are little things or temporary setbacks, though they loom as monsters of the moment. Even silly situations can trigger a bad mood, as in my case yesterday. It was a sunny spring Saturday with all kinds of promise, but I kept letting our finicky home computer dictate my disposition. My energy level was already low from a poor night's sleep. As I tried to complete our city tax return, the computer kept crashing and dashing my spirit along with it.

What a bad day, a little voice kept whispering, and I found myself uncharacteristically agreeing. As evening gathered and I assessed the day's events, I had to admit it was actually a very good day. I had accomplished much and enjoyed interactions with family, despite allowing a gloomy filter to color frustrations that I should have shaken off.

The lesson is to balance setbacks against the backdrop of my many blessings so I can respond positively to bumps in the road. My well-rested perspective this morning can see more clearly the upside of yesterday's computer crashes: they were invitations to take a nap and regain my equilibrium instead of plodding on in a foul mood. Next time, I'll take the cue.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


thanks for the great message. A good friend of mine just recently told me that speed bumps are there for a purpose, to slow us down and look at the positive. susan