Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Carry on

I will admit to indulging in occasional bouts of anger. Sometimes I just want to yell, "Enough!" and have my tumor be gone. It doesn't last long, though, especially on mornings like today. How can I be so selfish after reading about a 12-year-old who fought brain cancer since he was five and used his illness to spread God's love to everyone he encountered? The story of Dennis "Bubba" Channel Jr. in today's paper brings tears, smiles and much wisdom.

Nor can I stay down when family and friends -- and some I haven't even met -- reach out in e-mails and comments on this blog. It makes me smile when they say I am inspiring. Don't they realize that they are the ones holding me up?

When life goes as it should, it's all give and take. We use what we have to support each other, and in return we have all we need to continue putting one foot in front of the other.

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