Saturday, December 27, 2008


Sometimes God cracks me up. His latest little practical joke was to give me a good old-fashioned head cold. OK, I know God didn't really give me a cold, but it was kind of like He was saying, "You think cancer's bad? Try this!"

The sneezing and watery eyes started on Christmas and came on in full force yesterday. The effect was I didn't have the energy to do anything but sleep the day away, which I think was the idea behind the joke. If not for the cold, I would have been tempted to have been out and about all day with my mom and visiting sister and brother-in-law. Staying in bed on a rainy, blustery day was much better for me.

Funny how something as simple as a cold takes your mind off cancer. I felt miserable most of the day yesterday, and part of the day on Christmas, but I wasn't focused on cancer, which was nice. I knew the cold would pass and I would feel better soon. I need to keep that same outlook with respect to the cancer.

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