Saturday, December 20, 2008

Moving right along

We have an updated game plan for attacking this cancer after seeing my oncologist yesterday, freshly returned from his vacation.

Despite the latest CT scan report that the tumor has not shrunk, he continues to believe, as do I, that my abdomen is not as distended as when we started treatment. He noted that the latest CT scan showed several calcifications within the tumor, which he said usually indicates dead cancer cells. He said sometimes a tumor like mine is removed, even without having shrunk, only to find that the cancer inside has been dispelled. Let's hope for that!

He talked about scheduling a Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scan, which can give a better indication of activity within the tumor, and said it is time to see the surgeon again to discuss options with her. I am also seeking a second opinion with a new surgeon early next month. In the meantime, chemotherapy will continue throughout January, which means at least two more cycles. No problem with that, since I continue to tolerate the drugs so well.

Keep those prayers and positive thoughts coming, dear cheerleaders! They're working!

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