Monday, December 1, 2008

Go with the flow

Sometimes things just work out the way they're supposed to. I was a little put out recently when my double-dose of chemo for round three was rescheduled from the Friday after Thanksgiving to today. I had become comfortable with my predictable schedule and how it allows me to minimize the sick time needed to received the chemotherapy drugs and recover from the inevitable crash on the second day afterward.

I fretted a bit that I would have to take two days off this week -- one to get the chemo and another because I would just be too lethargic to do anything else. The doctor's office was to be closed that Thanksgiving Friday, though, so there was nothing to do but accept the postponement.

Now I can see how perfect the change of plans was. By not having chemo on Friday, I was able to get away with Mandy and Tom for the day to a condo he has in the woods this week to be near his buddies for deer season. And today, as it turns out, I need to be at work before and after my chemo anyway, so it wouldn't have worked out for Tom to accompany me this time. Funny how it is best sometimes to let go and not try to control everything.

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