Monday, December 22, 2008

Ready or not

Good rest works wonders. I don't know how I even contemplated leaving the house yesterday morning, but I certainly made the right decision to stay in.

No presents are wrapped, and a few remain to be bought, but bed beckoned more forcefully yesterday than my long, pre-Christmas to-do list. Groceries must be gathered yet for the family festivities of Christmas Eve and for our traditional Christmas breakfast, but sleep was more important as Friday's double-dose of chemotherapy made its full presence known.

The body aches accompanying my extreme lack of energy during the chemo crash now have an explanation -- the doctor noted the post-chemo shot I receive to boost my white blood cells stimulate the marrow deep inside my bones. As I drifted in and out of sleep yesterday, I comforted myself with the thought that those aches are just another sign of good medicine at work!

I may not be as ready for the holidays as I would like to be at this point, but I know my family will understand if my annual "Mock Flock" calendar for 2009 is a little late. At least yesterday's good rest has returned my energy for the sprint toward Christmas.


julie browning said...

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and progress with us through this blog. I read it daily, and having been through the cancer fight with family members, I know how positive thoughts and prayers can work wonders. You are the strongest person and know that your OHA family is with you in our thoughts and prayers.

Julie Browning

Mandy said...

What can I do to help you for the holidays? Andy asked if I was going to cook the quiche this year. I could do that, or cook something else, or shop or wrap presents. Just let me know!


Sam said...

My I just say what an inspiration you are; when life seems hard to handle, you seem very capable of shrinking the problems and giving thanks for the little blessings of each day. If only we could all be so uplifted on daily basis the world would be perfection.
I am a senior nursing student; I will be graduating, God willing, in May and plan to work as a palliative care nurse at the Cleveland Clinic. Your blog has given me insight into what my patients are fighting that a text book could never teach. Thank you for that!
You are in my prayers; I truly believe that God answers prayers so keep hoping knowing always that you are loved by your creator.
Mary Christmas.
Samantha Zabo