Sunday, December 28, 2008

The present

I fell asleep last night thinking that sometimes I get so caught up in the future, I forget to be thankful for today.

My thoughts soar ahead to when I am done with my cancer treatment, when I am on the mend from surgery to remove the tumor, when I am ready to resume my exercise routine and feel really healthy again. Sure, it's good to keep that positive outlook. But there are lots of days between now and those milestones to come. What of them?

My thinking last night was that my tendency to look ahead and expect good things to come may have been a disservice to my family, and especially my children. As I have encouraged them to strive for their goals, I'm not sure I tell them often enough that they are wonderful just as they are.

How fitting that the sermon in church this morning followed a similar theme! I received it as confirmation of my waning thoughts last night. Yes, look hopefully to the future, but don't overlook the beauty and blessings of the present. Today is a gift we are meant to enjoy in all its glory.

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