Friday, December 26, 2008

Less is more

We tried a new approach to gift-giving in my family this Christmas. In years past, it had become embarrassing to see the pile of presents spreading out from the tree in my mother's home. It took forever to open them all and was less-than satisfying when it was all over. Did we really need all that stuff?

The economic downturn this year was an excuse to cut back. Instead of buying for each other, our spouses and our children -- my four siblings and I agreed to do a gift-exchange game between all adults who wanted to participate and to buy individual gifts just for the minor children. Stocking stuffers were optional, and the individualized stockings hanging from the banister down the stairs from the main floor to the family room were a fun highlight of Mom's Christmas decorations.

The new approach was pronounced a great success. Less time was spent opening stuff that we really didn't need and more time was spent enjoying each other's company.

Now if I could just get my tumor to adopt that same philosophy -- less is more, tumor. The sooner it shrinks, the better!

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