Friday, December 5, 2008

Catch this!

Some mornings I wake up knowing what I want to write about as I start the day. Other days, it takes a while for the inspiration to bubble up. This morning, it screamed at me from the front page of the paper. "Happiness really is contagious" is the headline.

Of course it is! We all know how a warm greeting from a happy person -- even a stranger on the elevator -- can put a smile on our faces. But now this study says that effect can be long-lasting and breed more happiness. Even better, happiness is more infectious than unhappiness. And happy people are more creative, productive and healthier, according to the article about this new study.

I'm unabashedly giddy over this news. Think of the possibilities for spreading this infection! Just by resolving to look on the bright side and find excuses to be happy, we can make our families, friends and coworkers all happier. And then they will make us happier! Happiness IS contagious, and I resolve to be a carrier!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got a fever and there's only one cure. Happiness!

Hang in there Mary.