Thursday, December 4, 2008

Impatient patient

I'm not a very patient patient. My discomfort with being uncomfortable was apparent yesterday as I struggled to just let myself be sick on a sick day from work.

I should have been better prepared, having experienced two of these big chemo crash days already. A day with little energy and a foggy, achy head is predictable now two days after my double dose of chemo drugs. But the previous crash days were on Sundays, when outside distractions are fewer. The Sunday crash days are easier to nap away.

With my third double dose being rescheduled to this past Monday because of the Thanksgiving holiday, the predictable crash came in the middle of the work week. I was not prepared for how difficult it would be to keep myself down as my Blackberry provided easy access to a steady stream of messages. What would it hurt to sign on to my laptop and answer a few e-mails or review some attachments? As long as I'm up, might as well straighten up the house a bit and put on a pot of soup for dinner. The naps I needed were pushed lower on the priority list.

Nightfall found me feeling much worse for the wear. The good news is that my chemo schedule is back to Fridays again, so there should be no more mid-week crashes, and e-mail traffic is so much lighter on Sundays.

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