Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Blessings, Part II

Continuing from yesterday's list, here are more things I am thankful for today.
  1. Saving time. It's amazing how quickly I can get ready to leave the house when I don't have to spend time shampooing and conditioning my hair, blow-drying and curling it and then brushing it into place. Just plop on my wig and wiggle it around a little to make sure it's not lopsided, and I'm done!
  2. Saving money. Sticking with the hair theme, the money I'm talking about saving here is what I am not spending on hair coloring and cuts. That can get pricey every couple of months!
  3. Saving sleep. Although I still miss my morning workouts, I have to admit that I am getting at least an extra hour's sleep by not setting my alarm to head to the gym before work. I will enjoy the extra sleep while I can, and then count it as another blessing when I am ready to return to that routine.

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