Thursday, November 27, 2008

Ultimate blessings

I saved the best for last in my recounting of blessings leading up to this Thanksgiving Day. The best blessing of all is my family! I wish my husband, children, mother, siblings and extended family did not have to go through this cancer fight with me, but they have not wavered in their support at every step.

Tom has had to witness the worst of it. He watched the tumor grow impossibly fast, helped me in and out of bed when the pain spiked before chemo began, cut my hair when it started falling out and accompanies me to chemo, even though I am capable of getting there and back by myself. He sits next to me while the drugs drip in, providing comfort that don't need words to convey.

Mandy has been another rock. I leaned on her before I was ready to tell anyone else but Tom that I had found a lump. When it was time to reach out to others, Mandy shared my situation with our newspaper colleagues, bringing in another wave of support. Without her help and encouragement, I would not have this blog to express my feelings and keep my cheerleaders apprised of my progress.

Ben is the quiet supporter. His inquiries as to how I am feeling are frequent these days, along with offers to stop at the grocery for anything I need and to help with laundry on weekends.

Mom and my siblings keep cheering me on from the sidelines. When my early discomfort and the first round of chemo stole my appetite, Mom delivered her chicken noodle soup and mashed potatoes the same day I said that sounded good to me. From visions of pick-axing angels to praise for my blogging and offers of all kinds of help, my siblings and other family members remind me their positive thoughts and prayers are continuing.

My family has always been a source of great strength and comfort. Today I give thanks for my family more than ever!

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