Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tough lesson

I have to confess that I am not all sunshine all the time about this cancer. The part that irks me most is the lesson I did not want to learn about being careful what you treasure.

Most of my life, I fretted about carrying extra weight around, mostly in my belly. So the past two years, I was especially proud that a healthy diet and workout routine had finally flattened my tummy. So guess where this cancer sprouts and initially grows like a weed?

Then there's my hair. It had just gotten to a length I really liked 12 years ago before chemo with Cancer 1.0 took it away. For years afterward, I kept it short, afraid of losing it again. Then I finally gave myself permission to believe I wouldn't lose it again. It wasn't necessarily the best style for me but I loved just growing it! So now I'm almost bald again.

And I was getting a little too wrapped up in my morning workouts. I loved feeling so strong and energetic and active. So now some days a short walk about does me in.

I don't really think this is God's idea of a joke, but it does put a different spin on things. When I get through this battle, I will value a flat tummy, a decent crop of hair and the energy to exercise for what they are, and nothing else -- signs of good health!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog is amazing! I didn't realize I can just add a comment at the bottom of the post. I am so glad to be able to read your posts. It gives me comfort to know how you are doing each day since I am so far away. We, the people, your family and friends, will help you battle this cancer with every bit of strength in prayer we can muster!