Monday, November 17, 2008

Many gifts

It is not unusual for me to find great inspiration in the sermons delivered by my pastor. She has the ability to reach each of us on a very personal level, even when our circumstances vary widely. Yesterday's sermon was a good example. The central theme was to prod: What have you been given, and what are you doing with it?

In a nice coincidence, my receptivity for the sermon was set up by a front page story in yesterday's newspaper about an OSU football assistant coach who continues to work through his own cancer battle -- defying doctors' prognoses and inspiring players, other coaches and fans in the process.

We tend to think of gifts as something good, but not everything we are given comes wrapped in pretty packaging and prompts a smile when it is revealed. Some gifts are downright stinkers! The point is not the gift at all, but what we do with it. We can take the greatest gifts and squander them, or we can take something others shun and turn it to gold. My quest is to be able to look back on this cancer battle years from now and see much good that came from it.

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