Saturday, November 22, 2008

What's your vision?

We've got this tumor on the run, folks!

I see it in the mirror. A check of my profile shows my abdomen is not as distended as it was, and clothes around my waist are not as uncomfortable. Before my chemo treatment yesterday, the doctor said he could tell as well that it was smaller. We don't have the "tumor marker" blood tests yet to verify it, but I expect to see that number also going down when I get results in another week or so. More scans will be ordered after this current cycle of chemo is complete -- sometime around the first week of December.

They say it helps to visualize the progress you are seeking. My sister shared the vision that struck her yesterday as she prayed to help me see the tumor shrinking. She saw hundreds of tiny angels slipping through my bellybutton and hacking away at the tumor with pickaxes! I told her my vision is the cancer cells are little bugs that the chemo is flipping over onto their backs so they helplessly shrivel up and die. Then my body sheds the dead cancer bugs and the tumor shrinks.

I can't imagine better visions than pick-axing angels or dying bugs to see my prayers answered for this tumor to wither down to the size of a peanut that can be easily removed, but I'm open to hearing even more powerful ones. The more positive visions, the better!

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