Friday, November 7, 2008

Wigged out

You have to find ways to humor yourself when your hair is determined to leave your head. My last experience with chemo was at this same time of year. It prompted me to compose a ditty to the tune of "I'll be home for Christmas." I've been singing it to myself again lately. It goes like this:

I'll be bald for Christmas. You can count on that.
I'll have no hair. My head will be bare, unless I wear a hat.
I'll be bald for Christmas, but I'll still dance a jig.
I'll be bald for Christmas, but I still have my wig!

The hair loss made steady progression all week and should be complete this weekend, especially after today's double dose of chemo drugs. I haven't worn my wig yet but the remaining front strands were so thin by last night that I wore a new knit cap to dinner to celebrate our son-in-law's 30th birthday (although for the record, he still wants to be thought of as 25!). It wasn't bad, and the cap really helped to complete my outfit!

Here's another nice thing about the timing for my baldness: as the weather turns colder and the rest of you are shivering outside, my wig will keep my head nice and warm!

OK, sing with me now! "I'll be bald.......


Mandy said...

Oh, I remember that song! You are demonstrating a fantastic sense of humor, and it is incredible how you are able to look on the bright side. Thanks for giving us all such a positive example of how to live life!

Anonymous said...

I'll try to find a "barbershop" arrangement of this for you.