Sunday, November 16, 2008

Unexpected bonus

Looking back, it is interesting to me that my latest cancer battle began about the time our nation and the world were experiencing major financial shocks. I remember thinking dully as I scanned the September headlines that I should be paying more attention, but I had another crisis of my own to consider.

More recent headlines tell of consumers responding by holding tighter to their money. Friends and family talk about changes they are making to spend smarter. Christmas in our family will see more of a focus on quality time together and less on buying each other things we don't really need.

I don't advocate my unanticipated method for saving money, but it has been amazingly effective. Just a month after my diagnosis, I started seeing a healthier balance in my checking account!

The difference was especially apparent during my first chemo high. I had driven to the doctor's for a required shot that Saturday and then made a few stops on the way home. Arriving home with packages, I told Tom, "The good news is, I feel better than I have in weeks. The bad news is, when I feel good, I shop."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL - Thanks Mary! I lit a candle at church for you yesterday. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Let's get together soon!!

Sue Conley