Friday, November 21, 2008

My safety net

I have been searching for an image to describe the incredible feeling of support I have from the many family, friends, coworkers and others who have reached out to me the past two months. Their simple messages of caring, love and prayers are very powerful.

It is especially amazing how steady their comfort has been. People didn't just send get-well wishes in just the first weeks after my diagnosis and then stop. It has been more of a constant stream -- a card or maybe two, or an e-mail or blog comment almost daily. Some come from people I see all the time; some from people I haven't been in contact with for years.

The effect is that I am continually buoyed with reminders to stay strong and win this fight. The vision I get is of hands constantly all around me, ready to hold me up if I start to fall and prodding me forward.

We were watching a college football game on television recently and the camera zeroed in on a group of students celebrating a great play by hoisting a friend horizontally above their heads and passing him down the row. Yeah, it's like that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You really need to consider publishing your blog...What a beneficial book it would be. I am overwhelmed at your ability to write in such a moving, inspiring way! I can't tell you how much I look forward to your blogs and what I learn from them. You continually GIVE to others as you ALWAYS have from the time you and I played together as sisters!
My love and prayers are all I can offer! Joy