Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Watching my back

I received another reminder yesterday that my workplace operates like a close-knit family. This is part of what gets me out the door in the morning and keeps me at my desk a good part of the day, allowing welcome time to focus on matters other than my battle with Cancer 2.0.

One of my current responsibilities involves some time out of the office to visit with hospital executives, learn about their latest concerns and provide updates on what we're doing to help. It isn't hard work, but it takes a little more energy than I have been able to muster lately. Looking ahead, I knew I would have trouble meeting that responsibility for the next few months, and it was on my to-do list to ask for help. I hate admiting I can't do something, though, so I had not followed through on handing off that task.

My work family beat me to it! I learned yesterday that others had already realized my field visits were at risk and had stepped in to take them off my plate.

One of the values we aspire to in my workplace is a commitment to the success of others. Another value embraces service to members. Yesterday's revelation told me our values are very much alive at the Ohio Hospital Association, and my coworkers are committed to my success in this fight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not at all surprised by the folks at OHA who stepped up to help. It's a reminder that the word "family" is broader than how we typically use it.

I'm really enjoying the blog, Mary. It's great to hear about your I'll-beat-this-thing attitude. Take care!