Saturday, January 24, 2009

Good choices

I was reminded again yesterday of how fortunate I am to live in a city with so many good physicians and to have health insurance that allows me to make choices between great options for care. It is sad to think many wage this battle without that critical ammunition.

Tom and I met with an OSU surgeon yesterday for a second opinion on removing the tumor that continues to grow in my gut. It was clear in this consultation that surgery is my next step, and it was comforting to know there is more than one surgeon in town ready to do the job. My goal is to make a decision between two good surgeons and get a firm surgery date scheduled on Monday. I know there are lots of prayers being lifted up for me to get this decision right.

As further testimony to my great medical care, Tom and I were amazed last night to hear from my oncologist. It was going on 8 p.m. when he called to see how I was doing this week and to make sure I was planning to go ahead with surgery. His concern was that I not delay, or we might need to throw more chemo at the tumor and not leave it on its own.

Thank God for men and women who have dedicated themselves to taking good care of the rest of us!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mary - You're amazing and you can count me among the friends that find you inspiring. Good thoughts and prayers coming your way! Sue J.